Steam Sterilization Indicator Adhesive Tape
Process Indicator
Roll: 19mm x 50m
Roll: 25mm x 50m
ISO 11140-1; EN 867-1, Class A
Tape can be used in 121°C gravity sterilizers or in 132°-134°C pre-vacuum vapor sterilizers- AUTOCLAVE. Yellow stripes turn dark brown/black after exposure to steam sterilization conditions, thus providing identification of processed items.

Steam Charts
Chemical Integrators Strip
CI 108/121-134
121°C 134°C
Pack: 250 pcs
ISO 111440-1, Class 5
Full cycle monitors for use in testing steam sterilizers operating at 121°C or 134°C. Preforms equivalently to biological indicators.
CI 108 - testing at 121°C
CI 108/121-134 - testing for both 121°C or 134°C.
Sterilant specific meaning it must have steam to change color.Performs equivalently to biological indicators. Lead and heavy metal toxic free.Multiple color changing spots- First spot indicates if the item has been processed in a steam sterilizer. Second spot indicates if correct conditions for sterilization have been met. Central spot shows excessive sterilization. Permanent color change.

Cross-Checks L
Steam Sterilization Monitor Strip
CI 111
121°C, 132°C and 134°C
Pack: 250 pcs
ISO 111440-1, Class 4
Designed for use in steam sterilizers to give visible indications that sterilizing conditions were met. Steam sterilization at 121°C, 132°C and 134°C
Plastic laminated to protect sterilized items from potential ink transfer. Requires all parameters of steam sterilization to be met before color change can occur. Color change is not reversible and can be used as a permanent record. Surpasses performance of biological indicators. Checks proper time and temperature.